Sunday, December 6, 2015

Social123 The way to Lead Generation!

Everyone keeps raving about how great social media is to help continue your marketing efforts. It's true as well, plenty more people could see and connect with you on social media than just by seeing your marketing material using traditional...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lots of Tips to get more folks to your site.

Content distributors all have the same objective personality a primary concern with regards to assembling their site: get more adherents! On the off chance that done effectively, more adherents can mean more faithful guests and brand backers of your site and substance. Here are a couple tips that have cited proprietors develop the group around their substance. 1. Distribute LOTS of Content There are huge amounts of articles stressing again and again that content is immensely essential for locales. So consider how your site can turn into the idea pioneer, a definitive asset, for your crowd. An extraordinary content will make your guests need to share it, and thusly, expand content engagement on your site. 2. Advance Content Externally Distributed extraordinary content is principal, yet in the event that you don't have the right devices to get it "out there," then it vanquishes the reason. There are a lot of gadgets and site apparatuses to offer you some assistance with promoting your content off-site, so see what best fits your objectives (and spending plan). There are additionally practical ways you can get your extraordinary content before the right gathering of people; utilizing online networking, for instance, can get your content shared to new perusers. 3. Give Buttons to Engage Talking about sharing, your site ought to make it incredibly simple for your guests to share your substance. Take after buttons––on the highest point of your page––can get more fans and adherents invite your guests to unite with you on your online networking profiles. Offer catches put deliberately around your content will inspire your guests to share it on their favored systems. What's more, this truly works. With incredible substance, straightforward take after and offer secure can help sharing to 22%. Actually, with the AddThis sharing sidebar, we've seen offer increments up to 244%! 4. Give a Call to Action Your guests may share without you asking, yet all the more so would in the event that you reminded them. You can utilize altered welcome (through a Welcome Bar or something comparative) to invite your guests to accomplish something right when they arrive on your site. Inside of your content, you could likewise solicit individuals to tweet particular quotes from your substance (like this page). 5. Host a Giveaway What's more, discussing invitations to take action, by running pools or challenges on your site, you're getting your crowd energized and giving them something enjoyable to discuss. As a boundary of passage, you could ask your gathering of people to just impart your substance to their system for an opportunity to win a prize. Connecting with crusades like these can get you are existing an system to get new followers for you. 6. Share Your Content on Social Frequently This is self-evident, however loads of locales disregard to keep their social groups educated of their most recent substance. It's an intense practice to stay aware of, so consider planning early utilizing online networking administration administrations like HootSuite or Tweetdeck to begin. Your gathering of people isn't going to anticipate that you will be in each informal organization, yet they'll expect postings on the off chance that they tail you on social. It merits contributing some time each week to keep your substance going out new on social. 7. Continuously Use Photos There are TONS of articles with details demonstrating content with pictures are shared more than substance without. This is a low-hanging organic product for your site. Plan to have incredible quality pictures with all your sharable content. Give your Pinterest fans a decent photograph they'll need to stick, and your Instagram adherents motivation to twofold tap. 8. Visitor Post In the event that you can contribute well-thought blog entries that attach back to your website, seize the open door! What's more, consider welcoming mainstream visitor bloggers to your website too. Their current groups will tail them to your site to peruse their post, and on the off chance that you have extraordinary content they find intriguing, they may stick around! 9. Remark on Other Blogs On the off chance that you have the chance to do as such, and something important to contribute, invest energy leaving so as to become more acquainted with other group individuals significant remarks on different web journals. You're letting gatherings of people get to be mindful of who you are––which is likely an essential sympathy toward most start-up destinations. 10. Advance Your Site We say this frequently: examination can be your closest companion. A savvy thing to concentrate on what your site's sharing and clicking examples can let you know about by what is another method you can upgrade your site. Whether it's tweaking substance, revamping the format, offering distinctive shaded sharing catches, changing the arrangement of those catches, and so forth., all these straightforward upgrades can be the way to developing your group. What tips would you be able to offer to a kindred site proprietor who needs to expand a movement and taking after immediately? We'd adoration to hear them! Labels: group, content, engagement, get fans, ge Fill out the form below and join our site, then get 20% off on everything on the site, get invited to all the members-only sales

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Eat more Healthy Oil and less Carbs says this study

What is on your plate is commonly a lot more important than the hours you spend sweating and working out in the gym. And if you wish to be sure that you will lose weight, a study from Harvard says you must be cutting carbs, not fat. I personally do not diet but one thing I did a couple of years ago was to revamp my oils. I learned to weed out unhealthy oils and add healthy ones. I really never knew that there were so many oils. Some of my favorites are coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil. I bake my foods often now. I also bought a food steamer and use it often to cook a whole meal. I love seafood and it can be baked or steamed quite easily. I don't like chicken or beef much. For the study, published in Plus One, researchers from Harvard and Brigham and Women's Hospital reviewed fifty-three irregular trials of over sixty-eight thousand patients who had been assigned to either low-fat or low-carb diets. They found that low-carb diets were systematically higher at helping people lose weight than low-fat diets; the participants on the low-carb diets lost two.5 pounds quite those on low-fat diets, with the common weight loss among all teams at regarding six pounds. This is the latest study on the weight-loss advantages of a low-carb diet and adds proof that if you wish to lose weight, ditching bread — not vegetable oil — will assist you see success. Another recent study, as an example, showed that dieters Who ate fewer than forty grams of carbohydrates per day lost regarding eight pounds quite dieters who were placed on a diet. Alternative studies have shown that high-carb diets could also be the culprit in heart disease, not saturated fat. All in all, this new review may be a smart reminder that if you wish to lose weight, you must opt for a diet made in healthy fats, and lean proteins, of course, not all fats are created equal So you will want to do a little research on healthy fats. Essential fatty acids like polyunsaturated fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acid square measure particularly necessary as a result of the anatomy do not naturally manufacture either nutrient, though not all researchers agree on the health edges of omega-6 fatty acid fatty acids, as of 2015. Foods that square measure high in omega-6 fatty acid embody eggs, cereals, whole-grain bread and most vegetable oils. Fatty fish square measures the simplest supply of polyunsaturated fatty acid, notably salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout. Ground linseed, canola and oil, flower seeds, and most around the bend square measure sensible plant-based sources for this necessary healthy fat, however, it's not as helpful to the body because the omega-3s derived from animal oil. The twenty10 Dietary tips for Americans suggest that adults receive 20% to 35% % of their daily calories from fat whereas limiting the consumption of unhealthy fats to around 10% would be healthier and help one lose weight. Unhealthy fats, together with trans and saturated fat, found in most meats, animal fats. Join our site and receive 20% off all during the month of November. Receive invitations for all members only sales. If you have any other questions please email us at adminatbjeweldotcom

Do I have clout? or Klout?

I often use to schedule tweets and facebook posts because I like the interface than the ease with which it shortens URLs. But as I logged on this morning this caught my eye: As I looked at the topics Klout considers me an expert on, I thought,...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

4 Essential Ways To Create Instant Affiliate Commissions

If you already have your affiliate products and you're working at making more sales, an increase in commissions is the obvious goal of everyone. With more and more products hitting the online market, it's essential to follow some simple yet crucial steps. So what are they? If you want your affiliate program commissions to take off, literally overnight, these are the steps you need to seriously consider; 1. Do your research and check out the programs you're thinking about promoting. It's pretty obvious that you only want to promote a product that will give you the maximum paycheck in the shortest possible time. The main factors to consider when doing this are obvious when you stop and think about them, but more often than not, are not fully considered before putting your time and money into making your product pay. Check the commission structure and make sure it pays well. Also, try to find products that match your target audience and are already paying well to other affiliates. You soon know when a program isn't meeting up to it's promises - that's the time to reconsider its worth and move on to the next. As you're probably going to be one of many affiliates promoting the same product, especially if it's a good one, establish your USP - or 'Unique Selling Position'. Set yourself up as offering that little something extra that makes you stand out above the crowd. Write a short article to give away as an incentive to potential buyers. This gives you both greater credibility and extra drawing power. Give information that's not only free, but useful. When you do this, if what you give away for free is good, people naturally expect a great deal more from the bought product. Make recommendations about the product within the report if you can, and try to give just enough information to make people need the actual product. 2. When giving away free reports or ebooks, save and collect, at the very least, the name and email addresses of all those who download your gift. It's now widely known that very few people make a purchase on their first introduction to a product. This is where an autoresponder is invaluable as you can create a whole series of follow up messages to send to these prospects to entice them into buying your product. Anywhere between 6 and 10 messages are needed to finally clinch the sale, so automate this process and capitalize on the free report. Once you have these prospects details, they are yours until the person unsubscribes. This means that you can send them information in the months ahead about other products you're promoting, long after they've bought the original item. If you develop an ezine, you are in a perfect position to send more valuable, and occasional free, information to these prospects who now value you as a source of knowledge and useful recommendations. You develop a relationship with them and they may stay with you for years to come. They begin to trust you and your recommendations and eventually, are likely to buy from you again. 3. Never underestimate the power of negotiation. Be prepared to haggle with a seller whose goods you wish to promote. Remember that all merchants need affiliates to market and sell their goods and will be more inclined to change their payment structure than potentially loose business if they see you as a good source of income. Be bold and you could find yourself receiving a greater slice of the pie for all your advertising efforts. Don't be greedy but be fair and you will be respected for it. 4. Use effective advertising techniques. 'Pay Per Click' will give you the most immediate results if you do your research right. Naturally, Google's Adwords and Overture are the places to start, being leaders in the online PPC field. But, look around and research the smaller players who offer cheaper rates to a smaller audience. These include; ExcelSeek, JumpFind, LookQuick to name just three. Ezine Top Sponsor and Solo ads can also give you a huge and quick return on your advertising buck with your ad being received by a responsive audience of your chosen market. And as with any advertising campaigns - track your results. If you don't know who's clicking what, you'll never know which ads are working. Use these techniques and you'll soon see an immediate improvement in your affiliate sales. Build on your successes and expansion and growth will follow.

Friday, October 23, 2015

What You Need To Know About Autoresponders

The Internet is a great place for business these days. There are hundreds of thousands of companies on the Internet, eagerly anticipating your business. With most companies dealing with hundreds and hundreds of customers on a daily basis, some wonder how they do it. When you break down the basics, you’ll see that most use autoresponders – very nifty tools that can help you with a variety of tasks. Once you have an autoresponder set up on your website, you can make money even if you aren’t there. You can be out with your family or doing other things while your autoresponder draws visitors to your website and makes you some money. Normally, people don’t buy anything on their first or second visit to a website. Most like to shop around, compare, and find the best deal for their money. Autoresponders can be thought of as cheap salesman – as they will follow up your potential customers and keep their interest sparked. When someone visitors your website and likes what they see, they will normally sign up on your customer list. If you don’t have a customer list, you should invest in one immediately. A customer, or opt-in list, is the heart and soul of your company. This list will contain each and every one of your customers, and is also the main database for an autoresponder. Autoresponders can be used to send out preset messages anytime you wish. One of the best on the net is they offer a free trial account. They can inform your customers of news, upcoming products, and answer most questions. Autoresponders can be thought of as salesman, as they will let customers know about products, what features the products have, and how the customer will benefit from using the product. On top of that, autoresponders will also keep your customers up to date and follow up with them to ensure that they feel special. Simply having a website isn’t enough these days. There are millions and millions of websites out there on the Internet, hundreds of which are offering the same products and services that you are. You have plenty of competition, no matter what you may be offering. To succeed this day and age, you’ll be stand out among the rest and offer your customers more than competitors. Having the edge over your competition means you’ll get more traffic – which results in more sales. Although autoresponders can help you a great deal, they can’t do it all themselves. They will handle virtually all of your email related tasks, help you gain traffic, and keep your customers informed with everything going on in your company. To get the most from your autoresponder, you’ll need to make sure you use it every chance you get. They are very handy programs – and can make your business life easier than ever before if you let them. Join our site and receive 15% off all during the month of October. Receive invitations for all members only sales. If you have any other questions please email us at adminatbjeweldotcom

Friday, October 16, 2015

Hydroponic 85 Watt Daylight Spiral Compact Fluorescent Grow Light Bulb H85W

Compact fluorescent light bulbs use up to 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer than standard light bulbs. Bulb comes with 4,000 lumens, 5500 kelvin color temperature, 85 maximum wattage for perfect garden. The total cost of ownership of a compact...

Writing Follow Up Messages For Autoresponders

I bought an auto-responder. They like many other sites get you to pay a year in advance. If the economy fails they will have your money. At first this made me very angry because they did not tell me ahead of time it was non-refundable and I broke my arm and they would not give me an extra month because during the time I had a broken arm I could not use the site. So once I had a look around the site I saw there were really clear instructions of for instance for a newbie like me how to build a list. The first thing I did was get a join me button on all of my sites. This of course was after I fumed that the site had ripped me off. But in trying to make lemonade out a sour lemon situation, I found I had bought a really good product. When it comes to making a sell using your autoresponder, follow up messages are very important. Most website visitors won’t buy something on the first visit; it normally takes more than 6 or 7 visits before they decide to make a purchase. To keep them interested and eventually make the sale, you’ll need to come up with some innovative yet captivating follow-up messages. When you start writing your message, you’ll need to come up with compelling headlines. Compelling headlines will draw attention from readers, making them feel excited to read the rest of your message. If you send a message with a shoddy headline, the chances are that your readers will just glance over the email and not pay much attention to it at all. You can also grab attention from your readers by sending them personalized messages with their names and other details. There are several autoresponders that personalize messages through the insertion of codes. When you send a message out, the code is replaced with the personal information of the subscriber. When receiving the email, the reader will see his or her personal information instead of the code. The first message that you send out is normally an introduction message. This message should be geared towards giving readers what to expect from your messages. You can also mention information about your company and your products as well. Your introduction message is very important, as it sets the pace for the messages that follow. When you send out your second message, you should inform readers about your products and services. Make sure that you explain what your products do and how your readers can benefit from using them. Then, in the messages that follow, you should put added emphasis on your services and products. You should be trying to convince readers that they simply must have your products and that your products are a cut above the rest. To ensure that you get a sale, you should include comparisons between what you offer and what competitors offer. This way, you’ll show potential customers that you are indeed the best, with the best features and the best prices. Once you have a few satisfied customers, you’ll start to build up your credibility. If a customer is satisfied, he will let you and others know. Once a customer has praised your products, you can add it to a testimonial and send it out in the future follow-up message. When you end a message, make sure that you leave a teaser for the next message. This way, your customers will look forward to receiving your next message. You should also carefully weave in messages regarding your contact and order information as well, so readers can place an order without any problems. If you put some time and thought into your follow-up messages – you’ll start racking up customers and sales in no time at all. Join our site and receive 15% off all during the month of October. Receive invitations for all members only sales. If you have any other questions please email us at adminatbjeweldotcom

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Why I'm Passionate About What I Do

When I was young my mom would send me to school with my hair not done. The children would make fun of me and I would go home, lock myself in my room and cry. I never told my mom about it because I didn't really think she would care about me getting teased....

The "Evils" of Capitalism

I love this. I guess actions do speak louder than words. Or, I guess in this case, actions make the words speak LOUDER. It is soooo ironic that the most of the world is trending away from socialism towards capitalism, while 'we' are doing just the opposite....

Adieu To Television Remote War

Flashback, rewind, repeat, play. Our huge family of siblings, cousins, aunts, and so on were all having a family reunion. After a long day of sumptuous dishes, tasty treats and fun games , everyone settled into the living room to watch some good old...

6 Veritable Tips On Shopping For Business Insurance

This post is brought to you by PICC. All thoughts and opinions are that of Posh Momma. If you own and operate your own business, you will require insurance to be in compliance with the law and to protect yourself in the event that any liability claims...

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Showgirl Next Door-Holly Madison, Oktoberfest, Edward Steichen Photos

Holly Madison-the girl next door [don't you wish] Best-known for starring in the successful reality television series, Holly's World (2009) and The Girls Next Door (2005), Holly Madison has enjoyed a diverse career in entertainment and considers this...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Hidden Gold Mine in Every Business

In many companies, most of the company seems to operate by a completely different set of rules and communicate in a different language than those the IT or computer services sector of the business. This division is somewhat artificial and partially maintained by the IT people themselves because of a certain culture technical people have about their specialized knowledge and application areas. But at heart, those strange people down in IT have the same goals as every other business person which is to succeed both personally and corporately in shared projects. But those of us on the business side of the corporate landscape depend on the computer folks to let us know how things are going with that highly valuable asset that we have in our IT systems, hardware and software. Most medium to large businesses run very high capacity computers or multitudes of computers connected through a network and those systems must perform at top capacity each day to accomplish the goals of the business. The upgrade and maintenance budgets for the computers that run your business no doubt represents a fairly sizable percentage of the corporate budget each year. But because those systems are what make you competitive in the marketplace, that investment is worth the money to assure that the mission critical jobs those powerful systems do get done on time each week and month. When a computer begins to show signs of straining under the load of work, we are giving it, that can be a cause of significant concern for a business. If your business paradigm dictates that the load of traffic or system resources could be pushed to beyond what the computers can do with their existing computing power, that weakness in the IT infrastructure represents a significant risk to the company should the system become overloaded when there is a large body of work to be done by these machines. What not every business person knows is that there may be a hidden goldmine of computing capacity already resident in your IT resources that simply is not being tapped to its fullest. You know that it isn’t uncommon for your IT professionals to report that your systems are at 80-90% capacity and must be upgraded to handle the next big increase in business. That hidden goldmine is a discipline that has actually been around for quite sometime but is infrequently tapped in the modern business world. That discipline is called “capacity planning”. By implementing a capacity planning office and monitoring function, you can put the tools and the talent in place to precisely measure scientifically if your computer systems are at capacity of if there is just a need for system tuning or realignment of computing schedules to get more out of the systems you already own. Recently a large oil company in the Midwest noted that many of its mission critical functions were being delayed in processing, seemingly because the computer systems were overloaded and in dire need of an expensive and time consuming upgrade. Capacity planning measurements were taken and the system was diagnosed to determine what the real problem was and it was found that job priorities of new functions were not tuned to the load of the system at critical time frames. The adjustments were made by talented systems administrators and the IT infrastructure continued to perform at top-notch capacity and the delays were eliminated with no additional hardware or upgrades needed. By utilizing capacity planning software tools and enabling your IT team to take advantage of this highly scientific computer measurement and prediction method, the business can get the most out of its computer resources and use its corporate resources to further the business objectives of the company. And that benefits everyone. Join our site and receive 15% off all during the month of October. Receive invitations for all members only sales. If you have any other questions please email us at adminatbjeweldotcom

You Should Leave America, but Can You? This Is a Must Read

by Dave Hodges It is time to leave America? Is it possible to leave the country and leave with your assets in tow? And where would you go? There are many indicators that tell us that we have totally lost our country. Nowhere is this more evident than...

Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October… According to 2 Financial Forecasters

This article was originally published at Washington's Blog . Update: Please see correction at the end. Two well-known financial forecasters claim that virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of...

New IRS process for recommending nonprofit audits draws critiques

Relatively inexperienced IRS managers could take the reins of gatekeeping panels with significant sway over dark money groups under the terms of a memo sent to agency managers last week and obtained by OpenSecrets Blog. The panels determine whether non-profits...

Police move homeless people off Philadelphia streets ahead of Pope Francis’ mass

By Jeremy Reynalds Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service PHILADELPHIA - As crowds moved into the city for Pope Francis' large public Mass on Sunday, Sept. 27, the homeless are heading out - part of a high-security lockdown forcing people off the...

40 Old Photos That Will Show You How Times Have Changed In Nigeria

Nigeria has grown to be Africa's largest economy; the country has transformed from an unpretentious mishmash to a soaring capital in less than a century. You will be amazed at how Nigeria has changed throughout history, from economic growth, population...

Etcetera: Nigerians Don Enter One Chance With Buhari

Long long ago in 1979 when I was still sucking my mother's Brea5t, Audu Ogbeh ran for office in the Benue State House of Assembly on the Platform of the National Party Of Nigeria (NPN). He became deputy speaker of the house and he was 32 years old at...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Businesses Learn to Make SEO Work for Them

One of the most important talents any management team of a business can have is to be able to detect changes in the marketplace and adjust how the business operates to function in that new market.  Some call it “thinking outside the box” and others refer to this talent as “working with a new paradigm”.  Whatever the term of the day is, without the flexibility to change as the market changes, a business is destined to fade away.

Of the many business and market trends that have changed the paradigm by which business is done in the new century, internet marketing ranks near the top of the most drastic and sweeping change that virtually every business has had to adapt to in order to survive and thrive in the new business world.

At first, most in the business world considered the internet to be a toy and perhaps a good communication tool.  But in the last decade, the power of internet marketing and the need to compete in that marketplace has never been more evident.  And just as business learns new marketing and communication methods when they enter a new market such as learning to do business overseas, the internet has brought with it entirely new tools and weapons that the modern business must learn to use skillfully to succeed in a cyberspace business environment.

Of the many new acronyms that have been added to the business vocabulary, “SEO” is one that is central to success in the internet marketing world.  SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and it is an entire discipline unto itself.  By learning to utilize well developed SEO methods, a business can learn to dominate their particular market niche even in a cyberspace business world.

Just as in the conventional business world, to be successful with a particular market, you have to go where they are and learn to get noticed and get your message to the consumer even as your competition is doing the same thing.  In the world outside of cyberspace that may mean various methods of advertising, promotional campaigns, good customer service and a long term promotional strategy that will grow the businesses market presence over time.

All of these business objectives remain the same in the world of internet marketing, but the “places” customers can be found are profoundly different.  As such, it becomes critical that a business builds a modern and up to date web site that appeals to the customers perceptions of what they will expect when they come to shop with you and that stays up to date continuously s the internet continues to change and evolve.

But it isn’t enough to just have a state of the art business web site up for modern internet business web site to succeed.  Just as to be successful in the physical world, customers must come to you or you must go to them.  And the primary method of letting customers know who you are and drawing them to your well designed web site is to connect to them through a search engine such as Yahoo, Google or MSN.
Businesses Learn to Make SEO Work for Them

Search Engine Optimization methods are powerful techniques that can be used to assure that when your customer looks for a business such as yours, they will notice you first and your competition second, or not at all.  That means when the customer “searches” for your product or service on Google or another search engine, your business comes up on the first page of selections that the search engine finds.

SEO takes time, investment of funds and talent and skill to work with the search engines so your business gets that kind of attention.  But it is worth the investment because the outcome can be an internet business presence that bring the kind of success every business wants.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What a Comfort Zone Thinks When You Step Into It

Hey Loves! There's a ton of talk about stepping outside your comfort zone and pursuing your dreams, but what happens if we don't do that? What happens if we allow fear, worry, current reality, and ego to make our decisions? What does stepping back into...

Why You Should Stop Playing Small & Take Big Leaps in Your Business

Hey Loves! Not sure if most of you know this, but if you don't I want to share something pretty amazing with you. I'm in San Francisco right now! Came here on a business trip to interview some new potential team members and to be personally introduced...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Considering Lead Generation? Read This Article Now!

Have you had trouble finding new leads? You may have succeeded with some, but maybe some others aren't working for you. Don't worry because you're just in need of good information concerning lead generation. Incentives for buying can greatly enhance...

Success Comes From Learning: Read All About Lead Generation

Are you using the same lead generation tactics without seeing results? Are you interested in getting advice from the experts so that you are successful in the future? You will find everything you need, and more, right here. If you want to learn to be...

Don't Search High And Low - Learn About Lead Generation Here

To ensure that your business continues to thrive, you must fully understand how to target the customers who want your product. Lead generation brings in new customers. Any random lead is not going work; you have to use those that turn potential customers...

Ideas to Make Money Online [Part 2]

This is a continued post of Ideas to Make Money Online [Part 1] 6) Sell Your Arts and Crafts   The arts and crafts movement is really booming on the internet. These days, people are willing to pay a little extra to buy items that are unique, which...

Blog Software For All Your Blogging Needs

Today anyone who has writing ability or is dreaming to be a writer has written a blog in the net. There are blog soft wares that are simple and easy to use and a technically inclined and challenged individuals can easily acquire a blog online. For some...

Understanding SEO Techniques

About 65% of all web sites visited begin from a search via a search engine. Search engine optimization or SEO has become an integral part in every business owner's marketing scheme since you get to be visible to hundreds of thousands of potential buyers...

Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress

Social networking is at an all time high and website owners should do everything to utilise its power. These Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress will help you do just that. You can’t really maximise the full traffic potential of your website...

5FigureDay : What Do You Get?

The primary premise is as a 5figureday unleashed subscriber you'll receive a live and ready to use 5figureday internet website and automatic right to start handing out the free license version of their personal validated viral list building websites...


Why Are So Many Marketers Using  Rapid Mailer? Many smart marketers realize that Rapid Mailer is a powerful, flexible and no-brainer alternative to expensive, restrictive email services that charge high monthly fees… Here are a few more reasons…...

Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day [ Infographic ]

Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day Originally posted on As a business owner, you may be asking yourself whether you need to worry about adding Pinterest to your social media strategy. The answer...

Should You Buy Your Way to Social Media Fame? [ Video ]

Should You Buy Your Way to Social Media Fame? [Video] Originally posted on It used to be that folks looking to improve their social network relied on works such as Dale Carnegie's  immortal tome   How to Win...

Postcards-The Unsung Hero of Marketing

Share As a business owner in this modern world, it can be difficult to think about ways to market successfully that do not involve a digital medium. There are a lot of people that have a hard time understanding how they can keep up with technology but...

Can I print my business cards at home?

Share Business cards are an important element of every marketing strategy. They are a great way to market both your business and yourself, and can be used to create solid networks with other people in the same or complementary fields. By using great...

Adobe Flash CS6 Tutorial - Create A Simple Flash Website

Adobe Flash CS6 Tutorial - Create A Simple Flash Website. With this video tutorial you can learn how to Create A Simple Flash Website with Adobe Flash CS6.

How to Install WordPress 3.9.1 - Step By Step Tutorial

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Web Design Trends 2014

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Tunde stares at the television screen, awestruck. He is paying more than usual attention as a commercial message coaxes listeners: "When your son wears this, he will be strong, athletic, and admired by his friends. You must buy it!" Tunde then runs to...


Hello readers, I decided we take a break from our discussions on Fundamental Human Rights and zoom into the juicy topic of the day - THE 2015, FEBRUARY 14th ELECTION. The 2015 February 14th election is the trending news everywhere in the country. The...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Another bomb goes off in Nyanya, kuje

Another bomb has gone off in Nyanya, a suburb in Abuja as well as in kuje, claiming a lot of lives. The scar of previous bombs that visited Nyanya previously has not faded in the minds of its residents yet. Everyone around the area would seem to be moving...

Etcetera: Our Economy Is Ill And Rapidly Getting Worse

Is Nigeria getting worse? That is a very provocative question. I have found that most people that hate Nigeria are very eager to agree that Nigeria is getting worse, while a lot of those that love Nigeria are very hesitant to admit that Nigeria is in...

Shamanic Physics

Shamanic Physics A two-part, Thinking Allowed "InnerWork" video. Shamans see the world as made up of vibrations, using resonance between individuals to effect healing. In Part One of this two-part series, Fred Alan Wolf discusses his efforts to explain...

I Liked This on YouTube: Office Space - Printer Scenes (uncensored)

Clips taken from the movie owned by 20th century Fox, "Office Space" (1999) I did this for my friends while drunk (Chris and Rune)…because printers suck. Most of us can relate to these clips from "Office Space" Excuse me for the bad edit…used MS moviemaker...

'American Sniper' - Glorifying Mass Murder?

American Sniper  has been nominated for six Oscars, including best film and best leading actor; it has broken box-office records for war movies, and it's generating heated debate. Many who are praising the film say the movie is about him, not about...

The #StartUp Cult: The 12 Different Kinds of Entrepreneurs

Throughout recent Internet history, there have been articles written about "The Cult of Entrepreneurship", essentially breaking down some of the idiosyncratic nuances associated with the startup culture. I was thoroughly amused by a recent commentary...

Container Crushes Dozens Of University Students

  Tragedy struck on Friday afternoon as a container fell and crushed a fully loaded commuter bus, killing all passengers of the bus in Ogun State, western Nigeria. The occupants of the bus were mainly students of Olabisi Onabanjo Umiversity , OOU...

OOU students Storm Hospital, forcefully collect colleagues’ corpses from morgue

Commotion enveloped the premises of the Ade Maternity Home, Sagamu, on Saturday as scores of grieving students of the Olabisi Onabanjo University(OOU) forcefully removed the corpses of their collegues from the hospital's morgue. The Nation gathered that...


As a free social platform, we recognize members for their likeness, image and content by sharing earned revenues.  Create content, interact with your community, and invite your friends and followers to join what is now your personal network. As...

My Favourite Online Tools

Over the years I've tried and tested countless online business tools, some were a disappointment and others I just can't live without and use everyday to run my business and keep me on track. Here are my favourite Online Tools: Gmail - I love all the...

6 Tools to Simplify Taking your Business Global

You've already recognized the value of a global market for your company, especially considering that even a global giant like Apple does 65% of their business overseas , but you might be staring up at the mountain wondering how you'll ever climb it....

Kaspersky Lab explains how to avoid banking Trojans

The rise of online banking has given birth to a new form of cybercrime - the theft of payment information. Fraudsters keep developing new ways of bypassing protective systems for financial data. How does their malware steal your money? How can we protect...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

3 Cold Calling Mistakes that Trigger Rejection

<p>Here are 3 common cold calling techniques that you should probably avoid:</p>

<p>Mistake #1: Center the conversation around yourself and what you have to offer</p>

<p>In the old approach, you introduce yourself, explain what you do, and suggest a benefit or feature of your product. And then you close your eyes and pray that the other person will be interested</p>

<p>Unfortunately, the moment you stop talking you usually hear, "Sorry, I’m busy," or "Sorry, I'm not interested."</p>

<p>You see, you’ve started your cold call by talking about your world and what you have to offer. But realistically, most people aren’t all that interested in you. When you talk about your company and your product, it’s just another advertisement to them. You haven’t engaged them, so they often just "turn the page."</p>

<p>Prospects are much more interested in themselves and what’s important to them. So if you start the conversation by focusing on their world, they’re more likely to interact with you.</p>

<p>So instead, talk about an issue or problem they may need solving. Focus on them rather than on what you have to offer. And see where it takes you.</p>

<p>Mistake #2: Be confident they should buy your product or service</p>

<p>In the old cold calling mindset, you’re taught to focus on the sale and be completely confident that what you’re offering is something the other person should buy.</p>

<p>The problem with this approach is that you haven’t asked them to determine this along with you. So think about it – in the old mindset, you’re really deciding for someone else what’s good for them. I know this isn’t intended, but that’s exactly what comes across to your prospects.</p>

<p>So rather than being full of confidence and enthusiasm, stop for a minute and think about the other individual. Relax into a real conversation instead of moving into a persuasive strategy or sales pitch. Put yourself in their shoes and invite them to explore along with you whether what you have to offer is a match for them.</p>

<p>Others really can distinguish the difference. You’re inviting them to see if you might be able to help them solve a problem. This makes for a much better connection right at the beginning, and you’ll get that immediate rejection reaction much less.</p>

<p>Mistake #3: When someone brings up an objection, try to overcome it</p>

<p>You know, one of the reasons cold calling is so difficult is that sometimes you may not be very familiar with the other person and their business. When you make that first call, you don’t know very much about their issues, problems, budget, and time constraints.</p>

<p>Chances are, not everyone is going to benefit by your product or service.</p>

<p>So realistically, your company or product isn’t going to be a match for everyone. And yet, when someone brings up an objection ("we don’t have the budget for that," etc.), the old cold calling mindset trains you to "overcome," "bypass," or "override."</p>

<p>But when you do that, you put the other person on the defensive. Something they’ve said is being dismissed. And here’s where rejection can happen very suddenly.</p>

<p>So it’s much better to listen to their concerns and continue to explore whether what you’re offering makes sense for them. There are some wonderful phrases you can use that validate their viewpoint without closing the conversation.</p>

<p>So now you’ve discovered the 3 major cold calling mistakes people often make. See if you can shift away from those old self-sabotaging mindsets. When you do, you’ll notice that people will engage you much more, and the immediate rejection you’ve grown so accustomed to will happen much less.</p>

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Billingshurst’s unemployed already reaping the benefits from newly launched Job Club

The unemployed in Billingshurst and surrounding areas are now benefitting from a Work Information and Support Club (WISH), thanks to Horsham District Council's Economic Development team working in partnership with, Billingshurst Community Partnership...

External Battery Backup Power Bank Charger Case Cover for iphone 6 Plus 5000mAh

$14.89 $49.99 (169 Available) End Date: Sep 30,2015 07:59 AM GMT-07:00 CLICK HERE

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boy, Do I Feel Productive Today!!

Have you ever had one of those days, when you just felt like you could accomplish anything? And so you try? Today, I got my mother to drive me to my phone carrier's local outlet, to switch my phone service over from my old phone that couldn't keep a...

Buhari and the new anti-graft battle

It looked complex when it started, but President Muhammadu Buhari’s anti-corruption battle is gaining more converts by the day. BUNMI OGUNMODEDE examines the development and and states the conditions  that will make the war successful. I don’t...

Fidelity Bank CEO highlights non-oil investment opportunities

Managing Director/Chief Executive, Fidelity Bank PLC, Mr. Nnamdi Okonkwo has identified the recent foreign exchange restrictions placed on importation of 41 items as one of the many non-oil investment opportunities in the economy.  He stated this...

America Enforces Tighter Screening At Airports After The First Ebola Death In The Country Happened

Hours after the first Ebola death case was reported in the United States, the Obama administration ordered tightening of screening at all major airports to visitors coming from Ebola infected countries in the West Africa. Under the new airport curbs,...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"This boy sticks posters on walls" Will Open Your Eyes

Deepika talks about the how men in the Indian society are suffering due to the draconian Indian Penal Code which is made for the protection of women but ignores men and their issues. She addresses the Indian Dowry Act from the perspective of men. Deepika...

Business goes to Cyberspace

It is a well-known
axiom of doing business in any industry that those who do not stay in step with the times will be those companies that eventually die out.  There is no place where that truism is more evident than in the way that companies in virtually every business sector are finding to integrate an internet marketing strategy with their traditional communications and to provide the public with an internet “presence” to supplement their public profiles in other venues.

Of course, the value of the internet for sales and promotions has been well known in the industries that service the youth markets and for the companies dealing with entertainment and the arts.  Because the internet is in virtually every home and even now on hand held devices of every description, the access it gives to reach a target market are phenomenal.

This explosion of an entirely new marketing model has introduced the world of business to entirely new paradigms of marketing and new ways to achieve greater market penetration and sales.  And so any business who has had to get out on cyberspace to keep up with the competition has already had to learn a whole new vocabulary that has grown up around the internet marketing phenomenon.  Now terms like “Search Engine Optimization”, “Auto responders” and “Viral Marketing” become important and powerful tools to any business that wants to tap the power of the internet to increase sales.

The second wave of businesses that, perhaps reluctantly, ventured out into cyberspace were traditional retail business that you would not associate with cyberspace at all.  This includes sport teams, restaurants and even retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Border’s Book Stores.  In fact, the wave of change in how products and services are sold has been so rapid that entire market niches have been virtually revolutionalized by internet sales techniques.  Book and music outlets have been virtually hard hit as a large percentage of their customers have abandoned the “brick and mortar” sales outlets entirely to use the more convenient tools of internet shopping.

This has made it tough on some retailers to keep up.  For the “mom and pop” business, the change has been particularly devastating.  Already small, home grown businesses were struggling to compete with the giant mega-stores like Wal-Mart to keep their loyal clientele coming back.  Add to that the migration of customers to the internet and the need for change just to stay in business became even more urgent.

But even businesses who do not depend on marketing at all have seen the need to build and maintain a well functioning business web site so they will have a “face” in cyberspace.  In the modern marketplace, the consumer will go to the internet first to find out about a company and it’s goods and services.  This has turned traditional ways of connecting with existing and new customers upside down entirely.

The good news is that these rapid changes in how modern markets work have made the business world more diverse, more able to adjust to changing business dynamics and more open to the creative and innovative minds that have always been the real life blood of the business world.  And, ironically, it is often the small business that is most capable of making rapid changes to its online presence and ways to doing things.

In that the internet is a phenomenally dynamic place, new ways of reaching our customers change almost annually.  Where one year a simple web page may have been sufficient, soon we had to have chat rooms, MySpace pages and YouTube compatibility.  Any business that sees these changes as chances to do something new and exciting with their business will be the companies that thrive in this modern world.  And, as always, those who do not thrive with change will be destined to be made obsolete by it.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Stand Out From The Crowd

  To  stand out from the crowd is the goal of every business. Creating a branding strategy is extremely important to differentiating your brand from the competition.  But branding wasn't formally defined...

Building your Brand

What is a brand? It's not uncommon for a "brand" to be thought of as a logo, a company name or tagline. While those are part of building your brand, there's much more. Very simply, a brand is the feeling people have or what comes to mind when they see,...


Word of mouth marketing is considered by many to be the most desired form of marketing. The trust, referrals, and overall brand building buzz that's garnered by customers spreading the good word to prospects is worth its weight in gold. Some products,...


If you know anything about me then you will know that I love the internet. As a web designer and business strategist it is important to keep ahead of the wave on information that will help my clients and also help my own business thrive. Below are some...

What Type of Content Do People Want to Share?

Social signals like shares are crucial for any blog's success as Google and other search engines greatly value real users' engagement . You've crafted an amazing, conversational and valuable blog post, and now you are ready to let it into the world ....

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Swedish Journalist Killed In Kabul In Broad Daylight

Nils Horner is the first foreign journalist killed in Afghanistan since 2011. View this image › Tt News Agency / Reuters Swedish journalist Nils Horner, 51, was fatally shot today in broad daylight while reporting in an affluent area of Kabul, renewing...

Spanish SEO Provider Hispanic Market Advisors Releases White Paper SEO Success in Spanish

MIAMI, FL, Jul 24, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — With the objective of attracting brands that want to grow their Web properties among the US Hispanic and Latin American markets, Spanish SEO provider Hispanic Market Advisors(R) releases a white...

Internet FAQS You May Not Know (But Should)

You get into a discussion with a friend, and he tells you about all the new technology his company has installed, or worse yet, he has installed at his residence. He starts throwing around a bunch of tech terms and acronyms, and you have no idea what...

Best Quotes From Barack Obama

by The Bakken Museum Barack Obama, the 44th and current President of the United States, is among the most inspiring leaders the world has seen in recent times. He is also by far the most talked about person around the world. Following are some inspirational...

Monday, September 21, 2015

An Itsy Bitsy Vacay

**This post was initially drafted a month ago and sat here waiting for editings….that basically never came, but before we say so long farewell to summer times I need to register this moment in here!! A Reske vacay w momma Sasa and Dinda used to only...

I Liked This on YouTube: Ray Jessel - Whatever Happened To Melody

Ray Jessel at Monday Night OpenMic Cabaret with Tim Moore at Hennessey's La Jolla on Monday, June 30, 2014. Ray joined OMC to give up 3 of his popular songs. I recorded this iconic song, written with his wife, Cynthia Thompson, a song that is characterized...

Three Bridges Youth Weekend Match Reports

Weekend 19th & 20th September 2015 This weekend,  seven of the Three Bridges Youth teams were involved in Sussex County F. A. or League Cup competitions which resulted in six wins. Three Bridges Under 17 team had a game in Division "One" of...

I Liked This on YouTube: Short Term Memory Loss Blues

Ray Jessel with a truly funny look at what happens when you age. Performed at the 2010 Baker Street Irregulars Weekend. Ray was there as a guest, having written the songs for the 1965 hit musical "Baker Street"

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ad Tracking Success

It's no secret that there's a lot of money involved with affiliate marketing. This is only true however, for those who are serious and hard working on their affiliate program. The biggest part of succeeding depends on your perseverance and determination. Even the best of affiliate programs won't prosper if you don't build the business on a solid foundation. Nothing happens if the banners and links you place on a website just decorates the pages. The affiliate must convince visitors to click on the banner or link then proceed to the program to buy products. Affiliate marketing can be easy if you have planned your campaign well and have taken the right steps towards success. Choosing the right product and designing your website with banners and the right material are keys to making things happen. An ad tracker is a software program that will allow you to trace and monitor every click that is made by visitors through your referral link. To make things even better, you know exactly where you placed the link. You can either use a service provider or purchase ad tracking software. With ad trackers, you can monitor the progress of your campaigns, even advertising offline. If you have several affiliate accounts, this tool can be very good to have. Each and every decision you make should be well grounded in facts. By using an ad tracker, you'll be able to generate traffic reports for your personal sales page. Armed with the proper knowledge and an ad tracking software program, you'll have no problems succeeding in the affiliate marketing world. It can be tough to get started - although once you start making money you'll be glad you took the chance! Get 25% off for joining our site

11-year-old Danish boy found drowned in France

The 11-year-old Danish boy who went missing after falling out of a pedalo (paddle boat) in Lac de Saint-Cassien near Cannes on Monday, has been found dead. The French police, divers and military searched the lake for the past four days, but poor visibility...

UK children suffered sex abuse on 'industrial scale'

UK children suffered sex abuse on 'industrial scale' Out of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. David Cameron: "End the walk on by culture that too many police forces and social work departments have demonstrated" Continue reading...

Predictive Programming TV Shows

Predictive Programming   From Fat Cat to Beach Body - Lose Weight Now! Read more Simple Fitness. Simple Eating. Fast Results! Read more   Video - Simpsons Trump Part 2 Predictive Programming Predictive Programming is amazing when you actually...

9-11 In Plane Site Directors Cut

9-11 In Plane Site Directors Cut Intriguing Video on 9-11 In Plane Site 9-11 In Plane Site - Directors Cut raises some very interesting points. Weather you believe all of them or not, you do have to wonder about certain aspects of what is being presented....

Ben Carson -On the Record Veterans health care needs bold reform!

As a doctor, I saw warriors' bravery from the bedside, and now I can end the inefficiency and scandal. TheOldManSays this is the type of discussion that needs to take place concerning the abysmal mess that is the VA. These disturbing findings, revealed...

Missing in America - lays 46 ‘lost’ local veterans to rest

Members of the Fairchild Air Force Base Honor Guard fire off a 21-gun salute, honoring 46 veterans and one military spouse Tuesday at the Washington State Veterans Cemetery in Medical Lake. Their cremated remains had been unclaimed for years before the...

The Occult Truth Behind Capitalism

In 2008, the loss of 11 billion dollars by the world's largest investment company, AIG, and the bankruptcy of the US investment bank Lehman Brothers, triggered a domino effect of financial consequences which brought the entire capitalist system within...

Number Of “Ultrapoor” Americans Has Doubled Since 1996

If you've been paying attention to the economy for the past seven years or so, you've probably been wondering when the whole charade is going to come crashing down. When will all of those inflated markets and debts reach their apex, and start crumbling...


Cooking Up a Kitchen

I thought twice about publishing this post. About a week ago, I received a pitch email letting me know about IKEA's new advert for IKEA's new IKEA METOD Kitchen range. I clicked on the link to watch the video and had two reactions: 1. This is clever....

This Is How We Pick A NewCo

Over on the NewCo site , I’ve updated our explanation of how we chose NewCos around the world (1,100 or so so far). Here’s that post for those readers at Searchblog who might be interested. Since we launched NewCo’s festivals in late 2012,...

Where I'll Be During NewCo SF & Oakland Next Month

  (cross posted from the NewCo blog ) NewCo's San Francisco & Oakland festivals are less than a month away, and they will be our largest, most diverse events ever. More than 225 Bay area companies will be opening their doors to 3,000+ attendees....

The Small Business Guide to Reducing Spending

Money is often tight when you have just started a new business. That is why you have to think outside of the box to ensure you don't overspend. There are lots of ways you can cut back on essentials if you look for the best deals. However, there are lots...

Using Mobile Right: Tips for Small Business Owners

More and more people are using tablets and smartphones for practically everything that they do these days. As this technology continues to grow and become more powerful, even more of the consumers you want to become your customers or clients are going...

What a can of Coca-Cola REALLY does to your body in just an hour | Daily Mail Online

What a can of Coca-Cola REALLY does to your body in just an hour | Daily Mail Online

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I Liked This on YouTube: Better Off Dead 1985

Click here for the secret video that reveals how to get over 300k visitors to any website

5 Qualities of Affiliate Marketers

More and more people these days are turning to one of the most popular businesses around - the business of affiliate marketing. In this business, there are no bosses, deadlines to meet, or piles of work that have to be finished by the end of the day. In order to succeed, you only need the necessary tools. There are basically five things you can't do without if you want to make it in the business of affiliate marketing. Below, you'll find each quality you'll need. 1. Desire to learn The first quality you must possess is the desire to learn, coupled with the willingness to be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is tough indeed, especially if your lacking the right knowledge. This is a combination of the right frame of mind, coupled with a strong work ethic. When starting out, you'll need to be willing to keep your eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to learn more as you go. 2. Invest time and effort The second quality you must have is the willingness to invest time and effort in helping your business grow, even if you don't see immediate results. Even though weeks may pass without hearing good news, it's very important for anyone who wants to get their foot in the business world. 3. Determination The third quality you'll need is determination. If you want to make it in the world of affiliate marketing, you must possess to push yourself forward. The ability to push yourself to greater heights will determine what type of future you have. 4. Discipline The fourth quality is self discipline. If you teach yourself to work everyday with all of your heart and soul, you'll be that much closer to reaching your goals and making your dreams come true. 5. Optimism The last quality you must have is optimism. Bad attitudes should never discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing their dreams in order to make life better for themselves or anyone around them. The attitude you have towards the business should always be good, because you'll have to realize that you're the captain of your ship and your the one steering it towards destiny. If you put the above tips to good use, you'll go farther than you ever thought possible in the world of affiliate marketing. You'll need these qualities to succeed, as affiliate marketing can be a cutting edge career. With the above qualities, you'll do just fine in the industry.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

3 Fast Ways to Brainstorm Meaningful Blog Content

Reviewing analytics data can help plan the next ideas for your blog Creating content that attracts visitors to your site or blog is never easy. The value for content certainly exists. Marketing Profs noted that 79% of B2B firms that deploy content marketing...

Incredible Investment Tips for Beginners

Investing can be a really smart way to secure your future and make your savings work harder. Saving money each month is a great idea, but there will come a point where you begin to wonder if you could do better. If you're a beginner investor, these investment...


      Happy Labor Day!  I figured this would be the best day to share some great apps that celebrate the America Spirit by encouraging shoppers to by American Made products and support American business. Both apps also work to...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Growing Your Affiliate Market Presence

Once you learn the basics of affiliate marketing and have a few successes, you'll want to know about expanding your profits. You're going to hear a lot of people repeat the phrase, "wash, rinse, repeat" and trust me it can get irritating and frustrating...

Ongoing Affiliate Marketing Training

Learning affiliate marketing is not something that happens after you read one blog post, or buy one course, or absorb and implement a video tutorial. It's an on-going process that evolves over time. You want to think of affiliate marketing as a continuing...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Day In The Life Of An Affiliate Marketer

Being in the affiliate marketing business is not that hard now with the internet at your disposable. It is much easier now compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along. So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this… Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on. The site design has to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the affiliate’s conversion rates. That done, it is time to submit the affiliate program to directories that lists affiliate programs. These directories are means to attract people in joining your affiliate program. A sure way of promoting the affiliate program. Time to track down the sales you are getting from your affiliates fairly and accurately. There are phone orders and mails to track down. See if they are new clients checking the products out. Noting down the contact information that might be a viable source in the future. There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too. The affiliate marketer remembered that there are questions to answer from the visitors. This has to be done quickly. Nothing can turn off a customer than an unanswered email. To prove that the affiliate is working effectively and efficiently, inquiries would have to be paid more attention on. Nobody wants to be ignored and customers are not always the most patient of all people. Quick answer that should appear professional yet friendly too. In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program. This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products. There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead. The newsletters and ezines were updated days ago, so it is time for the affiliate marketer to see if there are some new things happening in the market. This will be written about in the marketer’s publication to be distributed to the old and new customers. These same publications are also an important tool in keeping up to date with the newly introduced products. The marketer has put up a sale and promotion that customers may want to know about. Besides, they have to keep up with the deadline of these sales written in the publications. It is that time to show some appreciation to those who have helped the marketer in the promotions and sale increase. Nothing like mentioning the persons, their sites and the process they have done that made everything worked. Of course, this will be published in the newsletters. Among the more important information that have been written already. The marketer still has time to write out recommendations to those who want credible sources for the products being promoted. There is also time to post some comments on how to be a successful affiliate marketer on a site where there are lots of wannabees. Two objectives done at the same time. The marketer gets to promote the product as well as the program they are in. Who knows, someone may be inclined to join. Time flies. Missed lunch but is quite contented with the tasks done. Bed time…. Ok, so this may not be all done in a day. But then, this gives you an idea of how an affiliate marketer, a dedicated one that is, spends the marketing day. Is that success looming in the distance or what? Join our site and get 25% off as a first get invited to all the members sales time buyer and VIP coupons everymonth thereafter, get invited to all the memers only sales

Friday, August 7, 2015

The best places to learn to code for free!

The best places to learn to code for free! Learning to code could secure your future. Coding is the job of the future, and if you can do it than you will have a job. By coding we are not referring to any one particular language, they are all useful....

Choosing a Domain That Won't Get Lost in the Crowd

There are over 150,000,000 blogs on the internet, and over 3 million blog posts written every single day. How in the hell are you going to make yours stand out? A lot of hard work- that’s how. Choosing your domain name is the first step, here’s...

Buying Private Label E-book Resell Rights versus Writing Your Own

In today’s society, there are many individuals who are looking to make money anyway that they can. In many cases, these individuals are looking for opportunities that allow them to work at their own pace or be their own boss. If you are one of those individuals then it is possible that you may have thought about creating and selling e-books. The popularity of e-books has rapidly increased over the past few years now. Many readers are not only finding it convenient to purchase them, but cheaper. In most cases, e-books are easily to read on the computer, but they can also be printed off. Since more and more consumers are interested in purchasing e-books, there are more individuals who are looking to make money off of them. If you are able to do this, you may find success; however, that success will not come without hard work. If you have never created an e-book before, it is difficult to understand exactly how much hard work it entails. To be worth the buy, most e-books are at least one hundred pages long; however, some are longer. If you are interested in creating an e-book, it may take months for you to finish the book. In addition to hard work, you must also have writing experience and knowledge on the topic that you are writing about. This knowledge and experience isn’t necessarily necessary; however, it is important to the success of your e-book. It is a fact that customers do not and will not purchase poor quality work. In addition to writing a quality e-book, you will also have to find ways to sell it. Together, the two could take a large amount of time. For many individuals, this is a major turn off; however, there are alternatives. If you are interested in selling e-books, to make a profit, you do not necessarily have to create your own. Instead you can obtain the private label resell rights to another e-book. Obtaining the resell rights to an e-book will allow you, in many cases, to assume to the work as your own, edit the content, and pocket the money from each sale of the book. The biggest downside to obtaining the resell rights to an e-book is the amount of money that you will have to spend. Depending on who you do business with, the cost of acquiring private label resell rights may be fairly expensive. Since most freelance writers spend a large amount of time creating their e-books, as previously mentioned, they may want to appropriately be compensated. The cost of resell rights to an e-book may be considered a disadvantage to this unique business opportunity, but it can also be considered an advantage. E-book authors that charge more for their work typically have produced better content; better content is easier to sell. Whether you make the decision to develop your own e-book or purchase the resell rights to someone else’s, you will still have to find a way to market the e-book to the general public. This, depending on what approach you take, can take time. That is why many individuals prefer purchasing the resell rights to an e-book that has already been created. This allows them to spend more time on marketing, which will in turn create sales. If you are unsure as to whether or not you should create your own e-book or obtain the resell rights to another, you are not alone. There are a number of other individuals wondering the same thing. Private label resell rights are an amazing business opportunity for some, but not for all. There is a great free audio course on private label resell rights at check this out today. All online business opportunities take time to find success. If you have the financial resources needed to obtain the resell rights to a well written e-book, you are encouraged to give this opportunity a shot. You are not guaranteed results, but you may be surprised with what you find. If you try obtaining the resell rights to an e-book and the experience is not what you had in mind you can begin to create your own e-books or move onto another business opportunity. Unlike many other business ventures, private label resell rights allow you to get out when you want. After you have paid for the resell rights to an e-book, it is yours to do with. This means that you can stop at anytime and move on to something else, if you desire.