Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Simple Steps To Great Free Advertising

Summary: Advertising a product, service, or any undertaking, such as a website for example, has always been a pain in the wallet. Here are four simple steps to great free advertising. Advertising a product, service, or any undertaking, such as a website for example, has always been a pain in the wallet. I have been a follower of the free advertising mode, incidentally. 1. The first strategy is to advertise in free but well-visited web sites. 2. Increase your visibility on search engines: Insert keywords that describe your business into the HTML < META > tags on your Web site pages. Repeat these keywords in the text of your Web site’s homepage. Strategic use of keywords can put your business name at the top of customers’ search results. For more information, see our article “Optimizing Your Site for Search Engines and Directories”. 3. Put your URL on everything: Maximize your advertising efforts by listing your Web site address on everything you do. Print the URL on your company’s letterhead, on your business cards, on the front of your building or the door to your office suite. Use the URL in your e-mail signature. List the URL on any print advertising that you do, including phone books, brochures, flyers, and direct mail pieces. 4.Submit your site to every directory, specialty listing, industry organization, and yellow pages you can find: No matter what industry your business is in, there are online directories, such as Yahoo! Yellow Pages, that you should register with. Many business and industry associations allow you to list your business on their Web site. In addition, there are individuals who maintain popular lists of resources; use Web search engines to find these lists, and then create an entry for your business. 5. Channel the energy of your most enthusiastic staff and encourage them to promote your company’s product as they surf the Web. 6. Blogs: A Weblog, or blog, is a collection of short articles, essays, or loosely-formatted thoughts, usually written by one individual. Since the 2004 U.S. presidential election, blogs have become extremely popular as both a medium to get your message out and a vehicle for paid advertising. Blogs also encourage reader comments, making them a valuable tool for gathering customer feedback. Companies such as Blogger ( will host your blog for free. You can also install a blog on your own Web site 7. Podcasting: Podcasts are audio files recorded in a radio talk show format. By posting podcasts on your Web site and other sites like Apple’s iTunes (, customers can subscribe to your podcasts, download them as soon as they are available, and then listen to them on their computers or portable MP3 devices. The software to create podcasts is free; for more information visit 8. Join online communities: No matter what the topic, there are thousands of people discussing it passionately on the Internet. By contributing to these discussion groups, you can inform your customers and advertise your business.. These will not all work for your business some are pretty simple steps, but sometimes we forget the simple steps with trying to keep up with the new stuff. Join right now and not only will you enjoy a blog chockfull of industry information, you’ll receive a 25 percent discount on advertising!

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