Thursday, March 12, 2015

Getting traffic to your new site.

Well for you must decide are you just trying to get traffic or are you also interested in conversion of that traffic to buyers? So let's look at some ways to get the traffic there and then converting it to a customer. Each system has it's own pluses and minuses. 3 ways to drive traffice to your site. 1. Google words, buy key words, the higher the ranking on the keywords the more expensive. 2. Promote yourself on Social Media. Social media marketing like on Facebook, Twitter or Google can be more affordable but is time consuming. 3. B2C is a good choice for companies like mine that are selling, clothing, accessories and jewelry. B2C Marketing Considerations Short sales cycles—days or even minutes, for those impulse buys Brand is built through advertising and referrals Customer service is core to sales Social media gives greater access to customers, opening up huge opportunities for advertising, customer service, and building of customer loyalty So here are the top three ways to get the visitors to your site. Pick one and concentrate on that each month. Give it a fair try say 90 to 180 days keep good statics to see how you are doing. Consider the conversion rate and the cost per click. Depending on just one of these is not really wise splitting your advertising budget to include some of the above three and then comparing your results will be what you are looking at over say a six months time frame. Really take a look at your content. What is it selling and how effective is your content. Mix It Up There is no one thing that will bring traffic to your website no matter what some so called experts would have you believe. So mix it up. Write content that is short news worthy and quick to put up. Try having some videos. Use both turtorial videos and advertising videos. Use lots of photos with quotes, Include data driven content for variety make as intersting as possible to lots of readers. Redesign the website to flow with a sale pitch. Let the first page tell the customer who you are, your story, personalize the first page. Let the second page say what your products can do for the customer. Don't forget to sell enhanced prices. Let the thrid page sell a featured product of the week, aimed word B2C selling. Let a forth page be of testimonials of customers who recommend you. Fifth page will be free products that are included in the sale of the B2C product. Of course then the sixth page is the buy now page. Feature a member or buyer of the month on your social media page. Show their photo, bio, and why they bought from you, testimonial. Ok go and implement it be sure and use Google tools to measure your success over the month. Use Google Analysics now. Judi Singleton is the owner owperator of where you can dress the whole family for less

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